Saturday, March 24, 2012

What on earth do you come up with when it asks for a title?

Alright. I've never blogged before so this is kind of weird, not going to lie. Turns out I CAN do it from my phone so that's pretty cool! I'll try to stay updated as much as possible.

Honestly I have no clue what to write. This is kind of like me writing letters, it doesn't happen so often because I am so uncreative when it comes to this.

But alright I suppose. I'm starting to get ready for prom, and we're going to go tux shopping this afternoon. We being Sam, his mom, and I. Then, in a couple weeks I get to see my beautiful seesters down in Utah/Idaho when I go shopping for a prom dress. Before I can go down there, though, I have two days of D-Step testing, a research paper due, and a huge physics test to take based on six chapters or so. Turns out I don't just get 5 days of spring break (April 6-10) but I am also leaving on the 10th for San Antonio where I'll be for a week. Excited? YES. I'm so boring because I don't have anything else to write.... Hopefully I will soon, I suppose.

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